This is true, we do loan the tool out for free to customers who have purchased the boost upgrade kit from us, as I'd mentioned Sometimes customers ask us questions on ads that aren't necessarily directly related to the ad. My interpretation was that he purchased a pulley elsewhere and wanted to loan it, but had also mentioned that if he purchased the upgrade from us then we can loan out the tool for free Hey Brettabuse, Loaning of the tool is $50, while a security bond of $160 is also required. Once the pulley removal and installation tool is returned in working order, your $160 will be refunded back to you. For more info about the service, please check out the link below:
Please note that postage is $15 in Victoria and $22 elsewhere across the country If you've purchased the boost upgrade kit direct from us and you have proof of purchase, you're entitled to borrow the tool at no cost for one time. You would still be required to leave a $160 bond and pay for postage though The pulley removal tool, must be returned within 30 days otherwise it will be assumed that you chose to purchase the tool.
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